According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around one-third of Americans over the age of 65 have some form of vision impairment, a statistic that is made worse by the fact that only around half of Americans get their vision checked every year due to either a lack of awareness or insurance/cost-related issues.
If you’re not getting a vision test every year, doing so is a good start. In the meantime, Delmar Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has details on signs and symptoms of a serious vision problem.
A List of Warning Signs
The eye is a complex part of the body, so there are many warning signals that could be a sign of a larger problem. In addition to severe and sudden pain in or around the eye, which is a concern anywhere in the body, be on the lookout for any of the following:
- Hazy, blurred, or double vision
- Seeing flashes of light or bright, floating spots
- Seeing rainbows or halos around lights
- Painful sensitivity to light or glare
- Itching, burning, or heavy discharge in the eye
- White areas in the pupil
- Changes in the color of the iris
- Sudden development of floaters that do not go away
Signs That Occur While Performing Daily Activities
While the signs above are directly related to the eye, these are actions that you take in order to compensate for a vision problem. They include: going up and down stairs cautiously, shuffling around, under- or over-reaching for objects, squinting or tilting your head to adjust your focus, watching television differently, and discontinuing driving at night or in bad weather. Problems with reading, writing, eating, and drinking can also be a sign of vision problems.
How an Eye Doctor Can Help
Having vision checked yearly can help keep potential problems in check or detected early. It’s also important for your eye doctor to know if you have a family history of glaucoma, macular degeneration, or other conditions that could be hereditary.
To learn more about Delmar Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing and all of the services they offer, visit